Social Media Manager

Over the years, Dina has explored many ways to disseminate information virtually, and how to make lasting impressions through clever writing, curated graphics, and dynamic storytelling - aiding her clients in their pursuit to reach greater audiences, expand their online presence and strengthen their brand.


Brave New Pictures, Inc.

An Emmy Award winning company that specializes in Television Programming, Video Production, Digital Photography, Exhibition Media, Radio Programming, and eLearning Applications. They’ve worked on every continent, and prefer to capture acts of bravery from a safe and comfortable distance!


Infinity Arts Academy, LLC.

A life-changing year-round Musical Theatre and Film after school program for elementary through high school students, where students can perform in full length school edition musicals, feature films, and scene study.


Montana Shakes!

This touring theatre company brings an interactive original play featuring scenes from Shakespeare to sixty elementary schools each Spring. The play is accompanied by exciting theatrical workshops and introduces Shakespeare to young people in a way that is based on engagement.


Rebecca Zemans Jewelry

An innovative Chicago jeweler who creates eco-friendly, ethically conscious, and occasionally repurposed rings, necklaces, brooches, earrings, and more. Each piece of jewelry she creates is like a miniature sculpture; a work of art to wear proudly.


The way we communicate through social media has become a growing and vibrant art form. Today, we depend on these networks more than ever. Not only to stay current, but to find inspiration, hope, and a deeper connection with humanity.

From a marketing standpoint, we consider the advantages of targeting specific audiences, reaching more and more people with shareable posts, and finding the clearest and most honest way to articulate what we want to present to the world.